Key Contacts


HOD Name: 

Designation: City Engineer

Mobile No.

E-Mail id:

Nodal Officer: Shri.N K Bagul

Designation: Branch Engineer

Mobile No: +91 9422296214

Department Information

Department Address: First Floor, New Corporation Administrative Building,Dhule-424001

Phone No: +91 2562 288301/2/3

E-Mail id:

About us:

Electricity Department of Dhule Municipal Corporation mainly looks after the management of electrical system in public places in the Municipal Corporation. The department is more focused on installing efficient power system in the city, creating a specific standard of public power system, creating proper street lighting for vehicular and pedestrian safety and saving electricity by using LED lights and solar energy.

Our Services:- The Electricity Department of Dhule Municipal Corporation looks after the lighting system in the area of Municipal Corporation as per Section 63(7)(18)(19), 66, 249, 251 and 252 of Mumbai Provincial Municipal Corporation Act, 1949, Chapter 6. This mainly includes provision of lights on roads, municipal buildings, cultural buildings, theaters, schools, parks, cemeteries, municipal hospitals, lighting system and maintenance repair and electrical project works in all these places. Along with this, during Ganpati festival, the lighting system on the Ghat and the temporary lighting system required for various events, sound transmission system is done through the electrical department.

Project works to be done in various buildings, parks and roads of Dhule Municipality are done through departments. To carry out special works like installation of gas cremations, installation of wood pyre system in municipal crematoriums. Also, to emphasize on energy saving, environment-friendly approach and use of non-conventional energy sources, installing solar lamps in parks, installing LED fittings, conducting energy audits in various buildings, etc. projects are implemented according to the available financial provision. Proceedings are taken for payment of bills received from MSCB for the electricity cost incurred for the entire electrical system erected.

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