Key Contacts


HOD Name: Shri.Manoj Wagh

Designation: Municipal Secretary

Mobile No. :+91 9422786403

E-Mail id:

Department Information

Department Address: First Floor, New Corporation Administrative Building,Dhule-424001

Phone No: +91 2562 288301/2/3

E-Mail id:

About us:

Duties of Municipal Secretary Department

  1. Preparation of working papers, Resolutions and Minutes of the General Board Meeting, Standing Committee, Women Child Welfare Committee, Name Committee and other committees.
  2. Acting in accordance with the election of Hon.Mayor, Hon.Deputy Mayor, Hon.Chairman, Standing Committee,Hon.Chairman, Women Child Welfare Committee and other committee nominated meetings.
  3. Bills for Emoluments and Meeting allowances of Corporators
  4. Preservation of records.
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