Key Contacts
HOD Name:
Designation: City Engineer
Mobile No.
E-Mail id:
Nodal Officer: Shri. Navneet Sonawane
Designation: Executive Engineer
Mobile No: +91 9702079197
Department Information
Department Address: First Floor, New Corporation Administrative Building,Dhule-424001
Phone No: +91 2562 288301/2/3
E-Mail id:
About us:
- Total number of servants in water supply department is 46 It covers from Engineer to Class 4. Among them, the number of Engineers is 16 and other workers include wallmen, security guards, plumbers, pump operators, wiremen, fitters. Water supply distribution, maintenance and repair works are carried out by the Divisional Office of Water Supply.It is the responsibility of the Water Supply Department to provide water to the entire Dhule city. Water is supplied through the water supply department as follows.
- Pumping of water from dams and canals.
- Treating impure water to safe drinking water standards by pre-chlorination treatment, primary treatment, filtration and re-chlorination.
- Quality control and laboratory testing at the processing stage.
- Distribution of such treated water after chlorination through distribution lines to citizens in the area from various elevation and ground storage tanks at the time of supply.
- Daily collection of water samples from different locations in the water distribution system, laboratory testing (chemical analysis and microbiological testing) of the collected samples and reporting the results to the concerned department for preventive measures if required.
- Keeping records of all work.
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